You might know me as the Town Crier of Gloucester. You might even know me as the Town Crier of Camden Market in the City of London. But what many people don’t realise is that little ol’ me – Alan Myatt – is also the Town Crier of Buck Street Market in Camden.
For anyone who’s never heard of it, Buck Street Market is quite the interesting place, I can assure you. Consisting of 60 shipping containers and recycled materials, it’s built on innovation and is jam-packed with artisan brands and craftspeople selling handmade products. It’s environmentally friendly, housing over 50 ethical fashion traders and recycling food waste in order to generate energy.
A big part of Buck Street Market is the food scene. The legendary food court features 26 sustainable food brands, all of which have incorporated vegan or vegetarian choices on their menus. In fact, the food scene here is so big you can almost literally eat your way around the world!
If you’d like to find out more about Buck Street Market, you can find their website here.
Image credit: Buck Street Market Facebook page
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