It’s so easy to dwell on what a bad lot 2020 has dealt us so far, but I’m trying to look at things in an altogether different way. I’m trying to be positive! So, today I’m having a little reminisce about the amazing work I’ve been lucky to be a part of, and how much I’m looking forward to what might be in stock for me next year.
I’m hoping for a return in the wonderful London events such as The Russian Summer Ball and the Covent Garden Rent Ceremony, but I’m also excited about what other work might come my way in the city of London.
Alongside my work at Camden Market, I’ve been lucky enough to work alongside Cartier, King’s College, the Para Olympics Committee and the fabulous Vagina Museum, to name a few!
It’s only when you look back on things that you remember what fun you had, and how amazing it is when such opportunities come your way. Here’s to being grateful, reminiscing and looking forward to a return to normality.
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