Call 07973 472896|alanmyatt@blueyonder.co.uk

The Poppy Appeal

Like many people, I like to support the poppy appeal every year. It’s a most deserving cause and this year is no different.
I was in Paddington Station and couldn’t resist buying some poppy cufflinks to support the appeal. […]

Support your local businesses!

I’ve been very lucky lately, for I got to be a model for the day. Step back David Beckham and the youth of today, for your very own lean, mean Town Crying machine had a photo shoot alongside none […]

The Canterville Ghost spotted in the Mall

Breaking news… the Canterville Ghost has been spotted in the Mall… in fact, there have been numerous sightings of him in Malls nationwide. 
Panic not folks, it’s me, your friendly, old (well, less of the old please!) Town Crier. Yes, […]

Hallowe’en at Covent Garden

Hallowe’en is one of my favourite times of the year. I mean, when else does one get the chance to dress up and spend an evening playing ‘trick or treat’? To celebrate Hallowe’en this year I’ll be making a […]

Toasting the National Gallery

What a way to start October! I’ve been schmoozing in the National Gallery, playing toastmaster for multinational corporate money transaction company, P20.  
Toastmaster is one of my favourite roles – from organising events, to introducing speakers and making sure […]

Do you need to pick a St Nick?

I have a confession to make. Over here at Town Crier HQ I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about Christmas. “It’s too early” you may cry, but with a certain supermarket already stocking mince pies and gingerbread whirls […]

Jubilee Market turns 30

I know I’ve mentioned it a lot lately, but Jubilee Market in Covent Gardens is one of my all-time favourite spots in London. This year marked the thirtieth anniversary of the market and, like an old friend, you just […]

  • Alan Myatt at Heathrow Airport
    Permalink Gallery

    Breaking news: Town Crier plastered at Heathrow… and National Express too!

Breaking news: Town Crier plastered at Heathrow… and National Express too!

You may well remember my big news from last year. I was lucky enough to be selected as one of the faces of Heathrow, welcoming discerning travellers back to Blighty. Yes, old muggins here was plastered along the walls […]

The Pearly Kings and Queens of London

Have you ever been to Jubilee Market? It’s a magnificent place in the heart of Covent Garden where food, drink and antiques are in abundance. It’s not only a tourist magnet but also serves as one of the more […]

Birthday Shenanigans

Did I mention it was my birthday last month? It’s not like me to shout it from the rooftops, but I have hit the big six zero. I know, I know, I don’t look a day over 40, it’s […]